RYB 6000

yellobrik extension for RFR 6000

Datasheet Quickreference


The RYB 6000 is an extension to the RFR 6000 and enables the mounting of six yellobrik modules to the rack frame. When housed with RFR 6000, the combined unit accommodates six yellobrik and a greenMachine.

The RYB 6000 comes with the built-in rack power connections and accommodates two power supplies for redundancy. It facilitates easy installation and removal of modules with effective cable management. It provides easy access to the modules reducing maintenance time and enhances safety.  

The greenMachine and yellobriks are ideally suited for standalone applications but they reach their full potential when used within a system design. 


  • Compact 1 RU design
  • Accomodates up to six yellobriks
  • Optional redundant power protection
  • Rack position adjustable to Recessed, Flush or Protruded
  • Power surveillance via RJ45 GPIO connection

Ordering Information

RYB 6000 yellobrik extension for RFR 6000
RFR 6000 Rack Frame for greenMachine
greenMachine titan 4K/UHD or 3G/HD/SD Quad Channel SDI Video and Audio Processing Platform
OTX 1410 12G, 6G, 3G, HD SDI to Fiber Optic Transmitter
CDH 1813 3Gbit SDI to HDMI Converter + 3D Support
CHD 1812-1 HDMI to SDI Converter with Frame Synchronizer



